
Listing on Marketdaylive free classifieds ads in Nigeria is easy and simple

Posting your listing and selling on Marketdaylive free classifieds ads in Nigeria is very easy. The simple steps are;

  1. Go to This is the home page of the marketplace
  2. Click on Add Listing or Submit Your Listing at the top of the home page
  3. Choose Your Listing Option. There are four listing options available, each with its own features. These options are – Free Listing, Featured Listing, Premium Listing and Platinum Listing
  4. Register as a user on the next screen that pops up. Registration is compulsory to enable us ascertain that all users are real persons
  5. Verify your email. To do this click on the word “verify” and next click on send a new code.
  6. After this check your email for the verification code sent to your email
  7. Copy the verification code from your email.
  8. Paste it in the verification bar in
  9. Click verify
  10. The marketplace will verify your email address.
  11. NEXT, enter the details of your listing, crosscheck the details and listing and once you are done, click SUBMIT.
  12. Remember to include a good photo or picture of your items, products or service. A picture is worth more than a thousand words. Good photos of your items will get you better buyers quicker. Please do not copy photos from the internet. Do not use someone else’s product photo. Those photos may be subject to copyright and this will not be good for you. You can use your phone’s camera and take a picture of the item. make sure there is good lighting and good background.
  13. If you have chosen one of the premium options, namely, Featured, Premium or Platinum, proceed to make payment by either using the Paystack payment module or by bank transfer to Marketdaylive bank account number
  14. The features of each of the options are listed under each of the options.
  15. We recommend you using one of he paid options, either the Featured Listing, Premium Listing or Platinum Listing as these will bring you more views and thence the buy that you desire.
  16. You can list, post and sell both old and new items. Be sure to indicate whether the items are new or old. Items that you can sell include but are not limited to Cars, houses, electronics, phones, computers and laptops, cameras, household items like refrigerators, oven, gas cooker, etc. Also you can sell equipment, plant and machinery ,generators, tools, appliances, Television sets, etc. You can list and sell clothes, garments, fashion, beauty products, etc. The list of physical items are endless.
  17. You can also list and sell your services such as salon services, events, trainings, job offers, etc.
  18. However, you cannot list and sell lottery, gambling, adult materials, prostitution services, cigarettes, weeds, hard drugs, traffic art works, plagiarized books and software, prescription drugs, pharmaceutical drugs, products without NAFDAC approval and registrations, stolen products, counterfeit and fake products and all other any illegal product as defined by the Governments and Government agencies in Nigeria, whether State of Federal Government.
  19. By listing any item, product or service, you submit that you the items belong to you or that you the authority to list and sell them and that you are not in contravention of any laws in Nigeria, whether enacted by the Federal Government, State Governments or by Government Agencies and Parastatals.