
On Marketdaylive classified website and marketplace you can buy and sell cars, houses, household and kitchen items, furniture, electronics, various devices and appliances, industrial machinery, plants and equipment, fashion and garments, shoes, computers, laptops, phones, spare parts, services including trainings, events, conferences, concerts, salon services, and lots more.

The Marketdaylive classified website and marketplace features items in twenty one (21) different categories, namely:

  1. Agriculture
  2. Real Estate
  3. Vehicles
  4. Phones
  5. Furniture and Home
  6. Electronics and Appliances
  7. Equipment
  8. Computers, Printers and Cameras
  9. Bikes and Tricycles
  10. Phones
  11. Food and Restaurants
  12. Services
  13. Jobs and CVs
  14. Fashion
  15. Animals and Pets
  16. Education
  17. Travel
  18. Events
  19. Health and Beauty
  20. Books, Art and Software
  21. Deals

With Marketdaylive classified website and marketplace you can feature you listing, promote it bump it or stick it to the top of all other ads and listings. in this way, we provide you several ways of promoting your ad and listing and achieving higher and quicker sales

Marketdaylive classified website and marketplace provides four options for you to list your product, item or service:

  • Free Listing
  • Featured Listing
  • Premium Listing
  • Platinum Listing
  • Banner Ads

Safety of Marketdaylive classified website and marketplace

Marketdaylive classified website and marketplace is a safety conscious classified ads platform. To post a listing a person must:

  • Register on the platform
  • Insert a genuine Email Address
  • Insert a genuine phone number
  • Verify his or her email address to prove that he or she is a real person

In addition to all the above, our compliance team verifies each listing to ensure its authenticity before allowing it to go live on Marketdaylive classified website and marketplace. In other words, listing are not automatic but are first verified by our team.

Personal safety on Marketdaylive classified website and marketplace a

The above notwithstanding, it is the duty and responsibility of each Marketdaylive classified website and marketplace user to take safety measure measures to avoid falling prey to fraudsters. These include but not limited to not making any payment until items are received, meeting the seller and or buyer in a public place and not disclosing personal items

Listing on Marketdaylive free classifieds ads in Nigeria

Posting your listing and selling on Marketdaylive free classifieds ads in Nigeria is very easy. The simple steps are;

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Add Listing or Submit Your Listing at the top of the home page
  3. Choose Your Listing Option – Free, Features, Premium or Platinum
  4. Register as a user on the next screen that pops up
  5. Verify your email. To do this click on the word “verify” and next click on send a new code.
  6. After this check your email for the verification code sent to your email
  7. Copy the verification
  8. Paste it in the verification bar in
  9. Click verify
  10. The marketplace will verify your email address.
  11. NEXT, enter the details of your listing, crosscheck the details and listing and once you are done, click SUBMIT.
  12. If you have chosen one of the premium options, namely, Featured, Premium or Platinum, proceed to make payment by either using the Paystack payment module or by bank transfer to Marketdaylive bank account number